Wavelength Winter Festival
Wavelength Winter Festival has received an ‘A’ on the Canadian Festival Report Card for the past three years. Visit their website for tickets and lineup info for 2020!
2019 Canadian Festival Report Card
The 2019 Canadian Festival Report Card is here! Canadian Festival Report Card: 2019 Highlights 54 festivals were graded at an ‘A,’ down from 57 in 2018 (booooo) 116 festivals were graded Every province and territory in Canada is represented in this report card, for the third year in a row. However, many of the provinces/territories only have a few festivals listed, and we need to work in future to increase the numbers of festivals graded. As a group, these 116 festivals get an ‘A’ grade, booking 46% women-identifying or non-binary artists (up from 43% women-identifying or non-binary artists in 2018) This is a heartening result, as it means that overall,…
Criteria – Canadian Festival Report Card
Canadian Women Working in Music releases an annual report card scoring festivals on the gender parity and gender representation in their lineups. We call for Canadian festivals to ensure that 50% of all bands/artists in their lineups be either led by women-identifying, transgender, or non-binary people. For the purposes of this research, CWWIM defined “Women fronted” “Transgender-fronted,”or “non-binary fronted” bands as any band appearing at a festival which was: a solo woman-identifying, transgender, or non-binary performer a duo or trio with at least one woman-identifying, transgender, or non-binary performer a larger group in which a woman-identifying, transgender and/or non-binary people play a significant role (more than a backup singer or…
The Big Count – 2019 Festival Report Card
We need your help with The Big Count 2019 for the Canadian Festival Report Card!La traduction française suit ci-dessous (nos excuses pour le mauvais français!) You can find the form to submit a festival here. As we’ve done for the past few years (2016, 2017, 2018), we’re collecting data on festivals and music series to find out how many women-identifying, transgendered, and non-gender-binary people are being presented at festivals and concert series across Canada. This year we’ve also added a category for other visible minorities, like racialized and Indigenous people. What we need from you is to choose a festival, give us a link to their lineup online, and a count…
2018 Canadian Festival Report Card
The 2018 Canadian Festival Report Card is here, and the results are heartening. Canadian Festival Report Card: 2018 Highlights 57 festivals were graded at an ‘A,’ up from 34 in 2017 113 festivals were graded Every province and territory in Canada is represented in this report card As a group, these 113 festivals get a ‘B’ grade, booking 43% women-identifying or non-binary artists (up from 36.5% women-identifying or non-binary artists in 2017) This is a big improvement, but we have questions: are women getting headlining slots? Are racialized and LGBTQ artists getting booked? Are women, racialized people, and LGBTQ people getting paid equally in comparison to their white, straight, Cis,…
Workshop: Band Promo 101 – Toronto
BAND PROMO 101 – A workshop to help you stop pissing off bookers and promoters and get more gigs.Saturday, March 23, 12:30pm – 4:30pmTrinity-St. Paul’s United Church and Centre for Faith, Justice and the ArtsThis venue is physically-accessible. The closest subway station is Spadina.We encourage women, racialized people, LGBTQ people, to attend. Workshop Fee $50; limited scholarships available. Contact candace@secretfrequency.ca for details BUY TICKETS HERE Promoters, Bookers, Agents, and Publicists may love your music, but may be quietly cursing you as they try to promote you. Do you have your promotional materials in place? Are they the right things? Do you know what you need? Do you know why it’s…
CWWIM changes to Secret Frequency
It’s time for a change that reflects our expanded goals, and while we will continue to advocate for women in the Canadian music industry, we feel that our mandate should be much broader and allow us to advocate for under-represented people in the music industry as a whole. So we’re changing our name, from Canadian Women Working in Music to Secret Frequency – it will reduce confusion with other advocacy groups in Canada, and ensure that you find us when you look for us. Secret Frequency has existed in some form or another for nearly twenty years, as the online home for Candace Shaw and the artists she has worked…
The Big Count 2018 – Canadian Festival Report Card
We need your help with The Big Count 2018 -for the Canadian Festival Report Card! La traduction française suit ci-dessous (nos excuses pour le mauvais français!) As we’ve done for the past few years (2016, 2017), we’re collecting data on festivals and music series to find out how many women-identifying, transgendered, and non-gender-binary people are being presented at festivals and concert series across Canada. What we need from you is to choose a festival that doesn’t appear on the list below and give us a link to their lineup online and a count of the number of women-fronted, men-fronted, transgendered-fronted and non-gender-binary-fronted people are included. It can be a festival that…
A short list of women and gender non-conforming Canadian artists
ETA: Because this is awesome, we’re creating an accessible database for Trans folks, Non-Gender-Binary folks, and Women to add themselves and/or their bands so that bookers can find them. We launched it in Winter 2020; you can check it out here (and also add yourself or your band!). All of the artists in this short list are also in the database! ETA 2: When this post was originally published in Spring 2018 on our old website, it generated 138 replies from members of the community, listing more than 600 artists and bands. We’ve collected this information in the database above, and are looking for volunteer to help flesh out the…
2017 Canadian Festival Report Card
The 2017 Festival Report Card is here! For the past twenty years, the music industry has seen its stages dominated by men in most genres and scenes. With the exceptions of the occasional women-focused festivals, like Lilith Fair, women have tended to see very little representation on stages, and nowhere is that more noticeable than at a festival, where sometimes hours can pass before a woman, a racialized person, or an LGBTQ, Two-Spirited, or Gender Non-Binary person walks on stage as a member of a band. With that in mind, we’ve been tallying up the numbers, and are presenting them below. We’d like to give a huge thank you to…