Cndn Women in Music
Canadian Women in Music is (so far) an informal group composed of people who identify as women working in the music industry, whether paid or volunteer, and allies who support them. It includes performers, administrators, bookers, agents, promoters, and more, welcoming all aspects of the music industry.
The aim of this group is to encourage, promote, support, connect, and educate women in the music industry.
The focus is on achievable, actionable goals and strategies to address issues that affect women in music.
The first meetup of this group was at the 2014 Folk Music Ontario conference, and anyone interested is encouraged to hold regional meetups in order to address issues that they identify.
There’s a ‘Canadian Women in Music’ Facebook group where you can connect with others to discuss and strategize.
Please click links below to view notes, projects, and ideas.
Diem Lafortune
I was double booked na couldn’t make this meeting but am interested.
Great to see new generations and continued growth ….I did my master’s degree specializing: “Women in country/folk genre–1960’s to 1990’s” ….I look forward to what awaits.
facebook: lianaguitarbabe
Anne Lederman
Interesting discussion. . glad this is happening, happy to be part of it.